Our team is a union of people who suffered at the hands of Freewallet crypto wallet. In August 2023, we launched the websites realreviews.infom freewalletreviews.org and wrote a number of official appeals to law enforcement officers.
Freewallet scammers often try to ignore our accusations, arguing that we are allegedly promoting the interests of competitors. This is wrong. Indeed, there are hundreds of other crypto wallets available today. Each such service has pros and cons. But we are not going to advertise any service. Our main message is — do not use Freewallet, otherwise you will lose your savings!
According to our estimates, the Freewallet scam has already contributed to the loss of more than $8 million. We have seen reviews from hundreds of victims and assume that the total number of victims is in the thousands. It is to protect them that our team was created. We do not provide any paid services and cannot guarantee that our help will lead to the return of stolen money.
But we are ready to provide everyone who has suffered from Freewallet org with free legal and information support. In turn, we ask each visitor:
- Sign the petition demanding an investigation.
- Report abuse to the Internet companies providing domain name and hosting services to Freewallet scammers.
- Send complaints and claims to get Freewallet app blocked!